Ana María Otálora-搜索结果

  • 她她她 Petit Mal

    类型:剧情片电影, 爱情片电影, 同性片电影

    导演:Ruth Caudeli   编剧:Ruth Caudeli

    主演:Ruth Caudeli, Ana María Otálora, Silvia Varón

      这部关于三人多角恋的剧情片由Ruth Caudeli自编自导自演,讲述了Martina、Laia和Anto的爱情:她们共同养了好几条狗、常在后院烧烤、彼此挑逗,但这一切不得不因为Laia的工作调动经受挑战。Martina和Anto两人必须重新调整她们的关系,而当她们探索爱情的灵活性时,观众也被邀请进入一个不断发展的亲密关系中,为有关嫉妒、孤独和深情的探讨留出空间,不受评判地与它们共存。

  • 烈爱秘密 Leading Ladies

    类型:剧情片电影, 喜剧片电影

    导演:露丝·考德利   编剧:露丝·考德利

    主演:Ana María Otálora, 西尔维亚·瓦隆, Marcela Robledo, Diana Wiswell, 安娜·玛丽亚·奎拉

      Leading Ladies reflects how guilt affects us in different ways based on our perspective or memories. A welcome dinner is the excuse to discover that we always keep a secret from who know us the best. Five points of view that show us that each of these five girls tries, as best they can, to lead their own lives. Some lies have been saved for years, other where hidden for months…...